Monthly Archives: April 2024

Overcoming Self-Centeredness in Marriage


Philippians 2:3-4
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

In the sacred union of marriage, the journey of two becoming one can often be hindered by the human trait of self-centeredness. It is instinctive to prioritize our own desires and interests, yet for a marriage to thrive, this instinct must be managed and transformed.

Today, ponder upon the value of placing your spouse’s desires and interests above your own. This does not mean neglecting your well-being but fostering a deep-seated generosity of spirit that celebrates and elevates your spouse’s needs alongside, or even above, your own.

Commit to daily time with the Lord through His Word and prayer. It is in these quiet moments with God that our hearts are shaped and our spirits are tuned to the frequency of His love and humility. As you draw closer to Him and let His Word penetrate your heart, you will find that the ability to prioritize your spouse’s happiness becomes more natural.

Lord, help me to see my spouse through Your eyes, valuing their happiness as much as my own. Teach me to be humble and to put aside selfish ambitions, focusing instead on building a marriage that glorifies You. Guide us both to serve one another in love, reflecting Your grace and kindness. Amen.

As you contemplate these thoughts throughout your day, remember that every effort you make towards nurturing your relationship is a step towards a more loving and unified marriage.

Embracing God’s Guidance in Marriage

Have you ever found yourself tempted to flee from your marriage? Perhaps you’ve faced challenges that seem insurmountable, or you’ve been hurt by your spouse’s actions. As Christians, it’s essential to recognize that running from our marriage is akin to running from God Himself. There is a profound connection between our commitment to marriage and our relationship with God.

Consider the story of Jonah. When God called Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach against its wickedness, Jonah’s instinct was to flee. He thought he could escape God’s call, much like we sometimes believe we can escape the challenges of our marriages. But just as God pursued Jonah, He also pursues us in our marriages, urging us to confront our difficulties rather than run from them (Jonah 1:3).

Running from our marriages may seem like a temporary relief, but in reality, it only leads to further strife. God sees through our excuses and understands the depths of our struggles. He doesn’t want us to run; He wants us to lean on Him for strength and guidance.

Marriage holds profound significance in God’s eyes. It’s one of the foundational institutions established by Him (Genesis 2:24). Therefore, when we face difficulties in our marriages, we must remember that God is invested in our relationships and wants to see them thrive.

Running from our marriages often feels like the easier path, especially when faced with betrayal, conflict, or dissatisfaction. However, God calls us to embrace Him in the midst of our struggles. When we allow God into our marriages, He can work miracles that we never thought possible.

Jonah eventually heeded God’s call, and when he did, God was with him every step of the way (Jonah 3:3). Similarly, when we stop running from our marriages and invite God into our hearts, He becomes our constant companion, guiding us through the challenges and helping us become better spouses.

So, if you find yourself tempted to run from your marriage, remember that God is calling you to stay and fight. Don’t listen to the voice of the enemy encouraging you to flee; instead, open your arms to God’s love and allow Him to work miracles in your marriage.

Let’s pray: Heavenly Father, help us to resist the urge to run from our marriages when faced with challenges. Instead, grant us the strength to lean on You for guidance and support. May Your presence be felt in our relationships, leading us to reconciliation, growth, and love. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Leading Your Marriage with Grace

Scripture References: Psalm 61:2-3, 1 Timothy 3:4

Marriage is a sacred union blessed by God, but it’s not without its challenges. As spouses, we often find ourselves in the role of leaders within our marriage, guiding and nurturing our relationship in accordance with God’s plan. Yet, we’re imperfect beings, prone to mistakes and shortcomings. In those moments of weakness, it’s natural to question our ability to lead our spouses well.

Just as David oftcried out in Psalms, seeking refuge and strength in God’s presence, we too can turn to Him when we feel inadequate in our roles as husbands and wives. It’s comforting to know that despite our flaws, God sees the potential within each of us to be great leaders in our marriages.

But what happens when we falter, when we let our spouses down or fail to live up to the standards of love and respect that God calls us to? Do we shy away from admitting our faults, preferring to maintain an image of perfection? Or do we humbly accept constructive criticism, recognizing that it’s through our vulnerabilities that God can mold us into better spouses?

As husbands and wives, it’s crucial to create an environment of openness and honesty within our marriages. We must be willing to confront our own shortcomings and to receive feedback from our spouses with grace and humility. For it’s through these moments of growth and refinement that our marriages can truly flourish.

When we find ourselves veering off course, when our actions or words cause harm to our marriage, let us not despair. Instead, let us turn to God in prayer, seeking His guidance and wisdom. He is the ultimate source of strength and reconciliation, capable of healing even the deepest wounds within our relationship.

So, if you find yourself stumbling as a spouse, take heart. Remember that God’s grace is abundant, and His love for you and your spouse knows no bounds. Embrace the opportunity to grow and learn from your mistakes, knowing that with God’s help, you can lead your marriage with courage, integrity, and unwavering devotion.

May your marriage be a testament to God’s grace and a beacon of hope to those around you.

The Sacred Covenant of Marriage: A Bond of Sacrificial Love

In the movie “The Longest Ride,” we witness characters grappling with the concept of sacrifice in the pursuit of love and fulfillment. Similarly, in our own marriages, sacrifice plays a pivotal role in nurturing and strengthening our bond with our spouse. However, it’s crucial to understand that marriage isn’t just any relationship; it’s a sacred covenant ordained by God, where sacrificial love takes on a deeper meaning.

The character Luke struggles with the idea of sacrifice, resisting the notion of relinquishing control over his future. Yet, through the course of the movie, he learns that true fulfillment comes not from holding onto his own desires, but from embracing the sacrifices necessary for a meaningful relationship.

In our marriages, we may encounter moments where sacrifice feels daunting or unfair. However, as we reflect on the example set by our Heavenly Father, we come to understand the profound truth that sacrifice is the essence of love. Just as God sacrificially gave His Son Jesus for us, demonstrating the depths of His love, we too are called to sacrificially love our spouse.

Marriage is a covenant relationship, distinct from all other relationships. It’s a sacred promise made before God, binding two individuals together in a bond of sacrificial love. This covenant isn’t just between husband and wife; it’s a covenant with God Himself, making it a marriage of three. Ecclesiastes 4:12 reminds us, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” The presence of God in our marriage strengthens the bond between husband and wife, making it resilient and unbreakable.

As we navigate the journey of marriage, let us embrace the sacredness of sacrifice within the covenant of marriage. May we understand that our marriage isn’t just a friendship to walk away from when things get tough, but a covenant relationship ordained by God Himself. Let us lean on the presence of God in our marriage, knowing that with Him as the third strand, our bond of sacrificial love becomes unbreakable. May our marriages be a testimony to the world of the transformative power of sacrificial love within the covenant relationship we have with God.

Cultivating Beauty in Marriage

Do you understand what it means to have godly beauty in your marriage? When you gaze at your spouse, do you see a radiance that reflects their deep connection with the divine? Or do you sense a heaviness, a lack of joy despite outward appearances?

In my own journey, I’ve come to recognize the profound transformation that occurs when Jesus is at the center of a marriage. It wasn’t always this way for us. While the smile may have been present, the true light of Christ was not. Yet, when we invited Jesus into our marriage, everything changed. My wife began to exude a glow that could only come from God Himself. I call this “glow” – godly beauty!

Perhaps you find yourself in a similar situation, yearning to recapture that spiritual vibrancy in your marriage. The first step is to evaluate your vertical relationship with the Lord. If it’s faltering, then it’s no surprise that your horizontal relationship with your spouse may also be struggling. Strengthening your connection with God lays the foundation for restoring harmony within your marriage.

But what if you feel content in your relationship with God? Consider then, what unresolved issues persist in your marriage. Could it be that without a solid spiritual grounding, you and your spouse are unable to effectively address these challenges together? Aligning yourselves spiritually allows God’s love to flow freely between you, igniting a transformation that transcends earthly troubles.

I speak from personal experience when I say that trying to play God in our marriage only led to frustration and false confidence. It wasn’t until I humbled myself before God, allowing Him to shape me into the man He intended me to be, that true change began to take root. As God became the focal point of my life and of our marital union, His light dispelled the darkness, and even on the toughest days, His presence sustains us. His power protects us and guides us as we navigate life’s challenges together. His love frees us to live “as one flesh” and enjoy deepened intimacy, where forgiveness and grace flow freely.

So I ask you again, how is your vertical relationship with God? Have you invited Jesus into every aspect of your life and marriage? Take a moment to reflect on where you stand spiritually, for therein lies the key to unlocking the godly beauty within your marriage.